Presentation Submission and Guidance Notes
We're looking forward to seeing you at the STS/EACTS Latin America Cardiovascular Surgery Conference this November.
To help us to prepare your presentation with translators, onsite AV staff, social media promotion, and to help ensure your presentation runs as smoothly as possible, we now need you to do just three things:
Read and sign our STS/EACTS Latin America Conference – Speaker Agreement
Review your presentation to ensure that you are in compliance with our Guidance notes (shown below) and the Speaker Agreement
Please upload your presentation using the following form no later than 4th November 2019:
Guidance Notes for Presenters and Moderators
Presenters/moderators are provided with time limits for their presentations and must comply with these. Each presenter is required to check-in at the speaker service centre at least one (1) hour prior to his or her presentation time to load and test the presentation slides and/or other material. To ensure that every presentation is fair and balanced, as well as free of commercial bias. The Programme Committee will review all presentation materials (slides and handouts). For this reason, presenters must submit presentation materials to STS/EACTS at least 2 weeks prior to the actual activity. Presentations are due no later than 4th November 2019.
Slide Presentation
You are welcome to download and use this slide template.
You are requested to bring your presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint exclusively.
As a general rule, it is better to use pptx format (compatible PowerPoint 2007/2010/2013/2016).
Your presentation should stay in landscape orientation on 16:9 ratio.
When preparing your presentation, please observe the following:
Language: English and Spanish.
Slide Template: Use the conference Powerpoint template.
Advertising: Advertising of products or companies is prohibited. Any commercial relationships or financial disclosures must be stated on your opening slide.
Patient anonymity must be ensured at all times. No patient names or any other information leading to the identification of a patient can appear in your presentation material.
Professionalism: consider your content carefully to avoid bringing you or EACTS into disrepute. Please ensure all the material you use is appropriate.
Equality and diversity: EACTS has a zero-tolerance approach to sexism and other forms of discrimination. Please ensure your presentation supports the highest principles of equality and diversity.
Copyright reserved material: It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that any part of the slide show (figures, tables, images, etc) is free of any third-party right.
References: Include user references throughout your presentation to support the data presented where appropriate.
EACTS and STS are providing professional interpretation to enable multilingual communication. The interpreters will convey your message to the audience.
You can help them by following these simple guidelines.
If you have a written text or notes for your speech, whether or not you intend following them closely, please hand them to the conference secretariat for distribution to the interpreters. The content of your document will remain confidential at all times and will be returned to you on request.
If your paper is technical, please give the interpreters any terminology you may have or any background papers on the same subject in other languages.
If you wish to show a film, slides or transparencies, please make sure that the interpreters receive the script or a copy of the transparencies.
If you are speaking from the rostrum or a lectern and want to reply to questions from the floor, please make sure you have a receiver set with you to follow the questions as they are interpreted.
Presentation creation
As a general rule, try to avoid use of non-standard Windows fonts or language-specific fonts; use high-contrast colours (light text on dark background or vice versa).
Save your presentation on a USB memory stick (and as a backup, a 2nd USB memory stick or a laptop) and bring these with you to the Speaker Service Centre.
Pictures and video
Save the picture you want to use as a JPG or PNG and set compression/quality to medium or high. (Avoid saving your pictures as TIF files, especially MAC presentations).
AVI, WMV, MPG or MOV are the only acceptable video formats.
Save the pictures / videos used in your presentation separately on USB memory stick-limit size to 1 GB is preferred. In case of problems we can re-insert the original items.
Please save your presentation as “.PPTX” (PowerPoint 2011/2016), it will guarantee a better compatibility with the system.
Your PowerPoint version MAC should respect the following conditions:
Pictures should be in JPG, PNG and not TIF or PICT.
Do not copy and paste the images from another application, please use the “insert image from a file” functionality from PowerPoint (format JPG or PNG).
Fonts used should not be specific to Mac OS X. Please use Windows fonts (Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Symbol…).
Check your presentation on a Windows-operated computer.
Online upload
Please ensure that your presentation is uploaded HERE as soon as possible, but by no later than 4th November 2019.
We strongly invite you to come and check your presentation at the Speaker Service Centre to test your presentation in real conditions.
Disclosure of Conflict of Interest
A Disclosure of Conflict of Interest* slide must be included in the PowerPoint presentation. The disclosure slide should be displayed and read to the audience at the beginning of your lecture.
If your conflicts of interest were already entered during the submission, an automatic slide will be inserted. This slide will be editable at the speaker service centre.
* A conflict of interest is any situation in which a speaker or immediate family members have interests, which may cause a conflict with the current presentation. Conflicts of interest do not preclude the delivery of the talk but should be explicitly declared. These may include financial interests (e.g. owning stocks of a related company, having received honoraria, consultancy fees), research interests (research support by grants or otherwise), organisational interests and gifts.
Conflict of Interest and FDA disclosures are required before any presenter/moderator will be allowed to present. Each presenter/moderator must submit to STS/EACTS his/her individual disclosure. If the presenter/moderator has any relationship posing a conflict or potential conflict relevant to his or her session, he or she may not make any recommendations regarding relevant products or services as part of that session. Any presenter found to have made a recommendation based upon relevant products or services in the presence of a relationship that poses an actual or potential conflict of interest will not be allowed to take part in the planning or provision of any other STS/EACTS educational program or product for two years.
The day of your presentation
At the Speaker Service Centre
All speakers giving a presentation are requested to validate their presentation in the Speakers’ Service Centre (SSC) a minimum of 2 hours before the session starts or the day before for early morning sessions. Presentations received after this deadline cannot be guaranteed optimal audio-visual support.
The opening hours are:
Thursday, 21 November 14:00 – 18:00
Friday, 22 November 07:30 – 18:00
Saturday, 23 November 07:00 – 18:10
Sunday, 24 November 08:00 – 12:30
You will be welcomed by hostesses to be registered at the ICC. You will be able to upload your presentation on one of dedicated computers. A technical and professional team will be on-site to assist you with any questions or needs you may have.
Personal Laptop Computers cannot be connected to the projectors in lecture Rooms.
A presentation cannot be loaded directly on the computer in the lecture room.
In the session room
Each session will be facilitated by chairpersons who are responsible for keeping time. As a speaker, please plan to arrive at the session 10 minutes prior to the session start time and introduce yourself to the chairpersons.
Thank you for your cooperation, we look forward to receiving your presentation soon and to welcoming you to Cancun in November.
Additional Presenter Responsibilities
Presenters/Moderators are responsible for ensuring that the content being presented at the educational activity is consistent with and does not violate another organisation’s publication guidelines and conditions.
Presenters/Moderators are responsible for ensuring accurate spelling, punctuation and grammar prior to submission.
Presentations must be based upon the best available evidence and should not promote any health care device, drug, or other product or service. Presenters found by STS/EACTS not to have attempted to utilise the best available evidence, or found to have provided content that is biased or promotional in nature, will not be allowed to take part in the planning or provision of any other STS/EACTS educational program or product for two years.
The STS/EACTS reserves the right to withdraw a presentation at any time and for any reason.